lunedì, dicembre 18, 2006

Very nice weekend

Last weekend was very amusing; on Saturday Siggi and I went with Brian and Pietro to see the geysir and the waterfalls (Gullfoss) that in winter and with the snow it becomes a beautiful show.

Then we went to see the swimmig-pool for horses of Kobbi, Siggi’s brother.

Already back in Reykjavík, we went to have dinner with Kobbi and his wife Addý in Kringlan and then to the theater because Auður Rún, their daughter (and Siggi’s niece) danced in a dance show. Auður danced salsa very well and we spent a very amusing and pleasant evening.

On Sunday, Deepa my mate at the University with her husband Hannes invited us to a glögg, a party at Christmas time where people drinks a hot wine prepared with some plants and condiments.

We talk a lot and we toast for the Christmas: gleðileg Jól!!

Then already back home Roberto and Guðfinna came to have a coffee and we all talk very cheerily (Brian and Pietro were also).

Very charming and amusing the social life in Iceland, I love it!

Geysir: Pietro, Brian and Siggi.
Geysir: Pietro, Brian and Gustavo.
Geysir: girl running away :-) Gustavo and Pietro watching the hot spring.
Sundhestar: Pietro and Siggi.

Sundhestar: Brian and Pietro. Auður Rún dancing at the theatre in Kringlan.

Glögg: Mæja and Mads.
Glögg: Deppa and Brian.
Glögg: Siggi, Suzanne and her husband.
Glögg: Mads and Gustavo.

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