giovedì, agosto 21, 2008

Guð einn er nóg!

Lát þú ekkert trufla þig, 
ekkert hræða þig; 
allir hlutir eru hverfulir, 
en Guð er ávallt óumbreytanlegur; 
þrautseig þolinmæði 
nær hverju og einu marki; 
hann sem á Guð er í engu ávant; 
Guð einn er nóg.
                                          (Hl. Teresa af Avila)

Spanish (original version):
Nada te turbe;
nada te espante;
todo se pasa;
Dios no se muda,
la paciencia
todo lo alcanza.
Quien a Dios tiene,
nada le falta.
Solo Dios basta.
                                       (Santa Teresa de Jesús)

May nothing disturb you.
May nothing astonish you.
Everything passes.
God does not go away.
can attain anything.
He who has God within,
does not lack anything.
God is everything!
                                     (St. Teresa of Avila)

Nulla ti turbi, 
nulla ti spaventi;
Tutto passa;
Dio non cambia;
la pazienza, 
ottiene tutto.
Chi possiede Dio, 
non manca di nulla.
Solo Dio basta.
                                (S. Teresa d'Avila)

lunedì, agosto 18, 2008

So funny!!

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Felix, the cat (the wonderful, wonderful cat)

The second name of my father is Felix and because of that I was always joking with this song :-) 

Last July 18th was the 20° anniversary of his death and I still miss him so much even-though I feel him always close to me and I have great memories. 

Now I want to remember him with a smile as he would like it and share with all of you the song:

Felix the cat
The wonderful, wonderful cat
Whenever he gets in a fix
He reaches into his bag of tricks

Felix the cat
The wonderful, wonderful cat
You'll laugh so hard your sides will ache
Your heart will go pit-a-pat
Watching Felix the wonderful cat

Felix the cat
The wonderful, wonderful cat
You never know what he'll do next
and do even try to take a guess

Felix the cat
The wonderful, wonderful cat
he is so much fun for everyone
none can question that
'cause is Felix the wonderful cat